48 Dr. Kirstin Ferguson #celebratingwomen

Mad Mumzie

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    Dr Kirstin Ferguson is the creator of the Walkley Award nominated #CelebratingWomen campaign, after having committed to celebrate two women, from all walks of life and from anywhere in the world, every single day for a year.

    Her widely acclaimed efforts saw her celebrate approximately 750 women, from more than 37 countries and led to her creating a social media movement…..and now a new upcoming book called  Women Kind.

    After being one of those 750 women involved in the #celebrating women campaign, it was lovely to catch up with Dr. Ferguson, and MM was excited to also get a scoop just for you! Working in the mining and resources industry internationally means the good Dr has some great tips for us working in the industry.

    Dr. Kirstin Ferguson

    Dr. Kirstin Ferguson



    Women Kind Book

    Huffington Post Article




    Dr. Kirstin Ferguson contact:




    Inside the Twitter Blue Room: #celebratingwomen


    Collage of #celebratingwomen words

    Collage of #celebratingwomen words


    Mad Mumzies #celebtratingwomen answers :

    In 1-2 sentences only, how would you describe what it is you do now? Try not to use a position title but just write what it is you consider you ‘do’, whether at work, home or elsewhere. (500 character limit)

    People think a job in the mines will fix everything. “You must be rich, how do I get a job doing that?” Mining is not for everyone, why not? What does it take to thrive and survive in this industry?

    Mad Mumzie (me) evolved & Australia’s 1st Mining Podcast: “Beers with A Miner” was born.

    My Mum, Lyn Olsen, is an artist and I create online workshop videos and website.

    I watch My Kitchen Rules and The Block for light relief. I believe in the universe, angels and helping people to believe they can do and be anything.

    **(I think I answered this question out of the correct format!! omg sorry Kirstin….on reflection I would say, “I help people to believe they can create the life of their dreams, with belief and inspired action and a little knowledge and help :-)”

    in 1-2 sentences only, when you left school what job did you imagine you would be doing now? And if you didn’t end up doing it, why that may have been. (500 character limit)

    I wanted to be a secretary. I did do that for the first couple of years when I left school working in a shed manufacturing company. I have a love of typing and like to think I am pretty good!

    What 3 words (only) would you use to describe your life to date? (250 character limit)




    In 1-2 sentences only, who do you hope feels inspired by seeing what you have achieved, and why? (500 character limit)

    People who have given up hope or are unhappy in their job, women who are starting again,  those who want to know more about mining, how to paint with acrylics, and those thinking they could do something different to see what they could perhaps be sharing with the world too.

    Anyone can improve their situation. Find the feeling within you now that you are wanting to have, and then go about your days as if you have everything you desire. Listen to the ideas that come to you in those times, and consider acting on them. That’s how I have ended up with a few brands, believing with all my heart I am helping others and working toward a successful life where I get to do my passions as my job full time. Then I can retire from driving the big trucks, 13 hour shifts and leaving my lovely family and home every week. Be hopeful, take action and find the joy in your life now, for we only live once. Cheers x

    Feedback shows listening to how other’s journeys unfolded, and our mining lingo it is helping people wanting to get into the mines understand what to expect. Current miners are also enjoying the podcast hearing what it’s like underground, how women handle it, what it was like in the old days, what others find difficult and how they get through the long hours and time away from loved ones.


    Australian Podcast Awards

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    Mad Mumzie’s “Beers With A Miner Podcast” 

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    Thanks to my “Girlfriend” Cookie for the tunes!

    Until next time,  stay safe, be real, be special and have fun for we only live once. Cheers.

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