37: Laundry Etiquette at camp. Why you need to get it right!

Mad Mumzie

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    What is your line? Would you touch other’s socks and jocks, fold clothes or chuck em on the floor so you can get yours done before bed? Hard Hat Mentor is back and Karen from ep 1 & 2 who is now a laundry fairy being nominated for awards. Listen in to hear what goes down in the laundry and what NOT to do! Maybe you’re lucky enough to get your clothes washed but how much goes missing? Fun chat with 2 awesome ladies who have had their fair share of adventures over a washing machine!

    Laundry Etiquette


    Laundry Etiquette:

    Links from the Episode:

    Bamboo Worksocks

    Health and wellness on foot care

    Barrow Island WA

    002: Karen Part 1: From Cleaner to Dump Truck Operator

    003: Karen Part 2: Welcome to the Dump Truck Operator Club

    The magic of vinegar in your laundry

    Saraya’s episode 33

    ***to come…Karen’s Melbourne Kitchen Project

    *** Karen’s nomination for award

    Adani Australia

    laundry etiquette



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    Mad Mumzie’s “Beers With A Miner Podcast” 

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    Thanks to my “Girlfriend” Cookie for the tunes!

    Until next time,  stay safe, be real, be special and have fun for we only live once. Cheers.

    Thanks to my “Girlfriend” Cookie for the tunes!

    Until next week, stay safe, be real, be special and have fun for we only live once.Mad Mumzie Hard Hat Logo



    One Response to 37: Laundry Etiquette at camp. Why you need to get it right!

    1. MadMumzie says:

      New stories from other miners…do you have any?

      “Someone put 2 stubbies (glass bottles of beer) in a bloke’s washing ..it had glass all through it!”
      “Someone else washed horse blanket in their laundry..weed seeds everywhere.”
      “I don’t have any stories-I take them home to wash.” MM Hmm? I wonder if he does them or his wife does?
      “Food colouring in boots and that stains your feet and socks! It starts to come out in the wash!”

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